Library Services

1. Library Orientation - The use of information resources, facilities and services are introduced during the orientation. The freshmen orientation is conducted at the start of the academic year.

2. Reference Service - This service consist of personal assistance provided to users in pursuit of information. It includes information about the library and its resources, quick answers to factual questions, citation verification and directional assistance. Services are provided in person or by telephone.

3. Referral Services - Referral letter is issued to library patrons who want to use the resources of other libraries.

4. Current Awareness Services - This is on-going information dissemination to the faculty and students with regard to the newly acquired books and other materials.

5. Library Display/Exhibits - Newly Acquired books and other materials are put on display to help make the patrons aware of the new materials and promote their use.

6. Lending Services - Library users are allowed to borrow varied information resources accordingly.

7. Reprographic - For duplication purposes, photocopying machine is available at the Circulation Section. All copying is to be done in accordance with the Philippine Copyright Law.

8. Wi-Fi Access - Students may use their personal gadgets using Wi-Fi within the library premises.

9. Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) - the online library catalog allows library users to search the collection fast and easy.

10. Library Clearance - the ULIS personnel shall inform the Accounting Department on unsettled accountabilities of the students or University Personnel, at which securing clearance is required at the end of the school semester and or resignation.

11. Service to Alumni - an alumnus is allowed to use the library materials upon presentation of Alumni ID card. However, the use of library materials is limited to “library use only”.

12. Service to Outside Researcher - Students from other schools as well as researchers from other institutions are allowed to use the library materials upon presentation of the following to the Reference/Circulation Desk: A validated school/office ID; A Referral Letter issued by the Librarian or Administrator of the institution; Receipt of payment of P50.00 (Researcher’s Fee) per person/per visit, paid at the Cashier’s Office.

13. E-mail Reminder Service - A friendly e-mail reminder prior to due date is sent to the borrower to help them return the borrowed materials on time.

14. Bibliographic Service - The library provides listing of books and other materials every start of the semester/school year and/or upon the request of the faculty member.

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University Library and Information Services University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi |
Rawis, Legazpi City |
Tel: 482-02-01 loc 287-290
| Email: