Oxlade, Chris,

Experiments with matter and materials / Experiments with matter & materials Matter & materials Matter and materials Chris Oxlade ; consultant John Farndon. - 32 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm. - Excellent science experiments .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Notes for helpers -- What is matter? -- What are materials? -- Using this book -- Scientist kit -- Ice to water to steam -- Create crystals -- Mixing like magic -- Can you mix it? -- Splitting the mix -- Salty to fresh water -- Color separation -- Cabbage colors -- Bubbles and froth -- Electric bubble-maker -- Record your results -- Quiz zone -- Picture quiz.

9781477759691 (library binding) 1477759697 (library binding) 9781477759707 (pbk.) 1477759700 (pbk.) 9781477759714 (6 pack) 1477759719 (6 pack)


Matter--Properties--Experiments--Juvenile literature.
Materials--Experiments--Juvenile literature.
Science--Experiments--Juvenile literature.

Circ. 530 Ox98 2015